Ask a marketer or business owner what they like the most in the world and they will probably tell you "more customers". More traffic on their site. You can increase the traffic on your website in several ways. In today's publication, we will look at 25, including several ways to increase website traffic for FREE.

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1. Advertise

This one is so obvious that we will examine it first. Paid search, social media advertising and display advertising are great ways to attract visitors, build your brand and make your site known to people. Adapt your paid strategies to your goals - do you just want more traffic or do you want to increase the number of conversions? Each paid channel has its advantages and disadvantages, so think carefully about your goals before reaching your credit card.
If you're hoping that more traffic to your site will also generate more sales, you'll need to target keywords with high business intent as part of your paid search strategies. Yes, the competition for these search terms can be fierce (and expensive), but the benefits may be worth it.

2. Get Social

It's not enough to produce good content and hope people find it - you need to be proactive. One of the best ways to increase the traffic on your website is to use social media channels to promote your content. Twitter is great for short, attractive (and tempting) links, while Google+ promotion can help your site appear in personalized search results and seems particularly effective in B2B niches. If you are a B2C product company, you could find good traction with social sites rich in images like Pinterest and Instagram. Here are some other tips for getting the most out of social media marketing.

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3. Mix It Up

There is no magic formula for the success of content marketing, despite what some would have you believe. For this reason, change the length and format of your content to make it as appealing as possible for different types of players. Intersperse shorter, news-based blog posts with detailed content, as well as videos, infographics, and data-based elements for maximum impact.

4. Write Irresistible Headlines

Titles are one of the most important parts of your content. Without a convincing title, even the most complete blog post remains unread. Master the art of writing titles. For example, the writers of BuzzFeed and Upworthy often write more than twenty different titles before choosing the one that will generate the most traffic. Think carefully about your title before clicking on "Publish".

5. Pay Attention to On-Page SEO

You think SEO is dead? Think again. Optimizing your content for search engines remains a useful and profitable practice. Do you make the most of alt image text? Do you create internal links to new content? What about meta descriptions? SEO on the page does not take much time and can help you increase your organic traffic.

6. Target Long-Tail Keywords

Are your high intent keywords and popular keyword databases covered? Then it's time to target the long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords represent the majority of web searches, which means that if you do not target them as part of your paid search or SEO efforts, you miss out.

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7. Start Guest Blogging

Before you say it - no, the real guest blogs are not dead, despite what you've heard. Securing a guest post on a reputable website can increase blog traffic to your website and help you strengthen your brand. Be warned, though - standards for guest blogs have changed dramatically over the past eighteen months, and spammy tactics could result in heavy penalties. Proceed with caution.

8. Invite Others to Guest Blog on Your Site

Guest blogging is a two-way street. In addition to posting content on other blogs, invite people from your niche to blog on your own site. They are likely to share and link to their guest article, which could bring new readers to your site. Just make sure you only post high-quality original content without spammer links, as Google attacks poor quality blogs.

9. Go After Referral Traffic

Rather than trying to persuade other sites to link you back (a tedious and tedious process), create content just waiting to be linked. When Larry wrote about the proverbial kick that eBay pulled from the Google update on Panda, we managed to get a link from Ars Technica in the Publisher's Choice section, next to links to the New York Times and National Geographic. Not too bad - and the resulting benchmark traffic peak has not been either. Find out what types of links send a lot of referral traffic and how to get them in this article.

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10. Post Content to LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become so much more than a way to find another job. The largest professional social network in the world is now a full-fledged publishing platform, which means that you should regularly post content on LinkedIn. This can increase the traffic to your site, as well as your profile within your industry, especially if you have a medium to high number of readers.

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11. Implement Schema Microdata

Implementing a schema (or another microdata format) will not necessarily increase traffic to your website, but it will make it easier for search engine robots to search and index your pages. Another benefit of using the schema for SEO is that it can result in better rich site snippets, which can improve clickthrough rates.

12. Link Internally

The strength of your link profile is not solely determined by the number of sites linking to your site. It can also be affected by your internal link structure. When you create and publish content, be sure to look for internal links. This not only facilitates SEO but also offers a more useful and useful experience to the user - the cornerstone of increased traffic to your website.

13. Interview Industry Thought Leaders

You think the interviews are only for the big leagues? You would be surprised how many people will be willing to talk to you if you simply ask them. Send emails asking for an interview to opinion leaders in your area and post them on your blog. Not only will the name recognition enhance your credibility and traffic on your website, but the interviewee will also share the content, further expanding its reach.

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14. Don’t Neglect Email Marketing

So many companies are trying to attract new customers through content marketing than they are forgetting the more traditional methods. Email marketing can be a powerful tool. Even a successful email attack can result in a significant increase in traffic. Just be careful not to bombard people with incessant emails about every update of your business. Do not neglect the power of word of mouth marketing, especially among people who already value your products or services. A friendly email reminder about a new service or product can also help you increase your traffic.

15. Make Sure Your Site is Responsive

The days when Internet browsing was exclusively reserved for desktop computers are over. Today, more and more people use mobile devices to access the Web and if you force your visitors to sneak into your site, you simply ask them to go elsewhere. Make sure your website is accessible and easily viewable on a range of devices, including smaller smartphones.

16. Make Sure Your Site is Fast

Have you ever found yourself waiting thirty seconds to load a web page? Neither do I. If loading your site takes forever, your bounce rate will be extremely high. Make sure your pages are technically optimized as much as possible, including the size of the image files, the page structure, and the functionality of the third-party plugins. The faster your site loads, the better.

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17. Foster a Sense of Community

People want to express their point of view and take stock of topics they are passionate about. Building a community on your site is, therefore, a great way to start a conversation and increase traffic to your site. Implement a robust feedback system via third-party solutions such as Facebook or Disqus comments, or create a dedicated forum where visitors can ask questions. Do not forget to manage your community to ensure that the minimum standards of decorum are respected.

18. Make Yourself Heard in Comment Sections

You probably visit at least a few relevant sites for your business on a regular basis, so why not join the conversation? Feedback does not necessarily immediately give an immediate boost to referrals, but getting publicized by posting insightful and engaging comments on blogs and industry sites is a great way to get your name out, which can eventually lead to generating more traffic on your own site. Just remember that, just like guest posts, quality and relevance are essential - you need to engage with others in your niche, and not leave spam links on independent websites.

19. Examine Your Analytics Data

Google Analytics is an invaluable source of data on almost every conceivable aspect of your site, from the most popular pages to the visitor demographics. Monitor your Analytics data carefully and use this information to inform your promotion and content strategies. Pay attention to the most popular publications and pages. Inspect visitors' data to see how, where, and when your site's traffic comes from.

20. Get Active on Social Media

It is not enough to share content via social channels: you must also actively participate in the community. Do you have a Twitter account? Then join the group discussions with the relevant hashtags. Does your audience leave comments on your Facebook posts? Answer questions and interact with your readers. Nothing bothered people more than using social media as a channel: use social media as expected and interact with your fans.

21. Submit Your Content to Aggregator Sites

First, a disclaimer - do not spam Reddit and other similar sites hoping to hit the jackpot of referral traffic, as this will not happen. Community members like Reddit are extremely good at spamming as legitimate links, but from time to time it's useful to submit links that these people will find really useful. Choose a relevant subdirectory, send your content, and watch the traffic flowing.

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22. Incorporate Video into Your Content Strategy

Text content is very useful, but video can be a valuable asset to attract new visitors and make your site more attractive. The data shows that the retention of information is significantly higher for visual material than for text, which means that video marketing is a great way to grab your audience's attention while maintaining it, while increasing the traffic on your site.

23. Research the Competition

If you have not used software like BuzzSumo to check what your competitors are doing, you are at a great disadvantage. These services aggregate the social performance of specific sites and content to provide you with an overview of topics of interest to readers and, more importantly, social media. Find out what people read (and talk about) and imitate this type of content to drive traffic to your website.

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24. Host Webinars

People like to learn and webinars are a great way to convey your wisdom to your impatient audience. In combination with an effective social marketing campaign, webinars are a great way to increase the traffic to your website. Send an e-mail about a week in advance, along with a reminder of the "last chance to register" the day before the webinar. Be sure to archive the presentation for later viewing and promote your webinars in social media. If you're wondering how to do a webinar, click on the link for tips.

25. Attend Conferences

Whatever your industry, there are probably at least one or two major conferences and conferences that are relevant to your business. Attending these events is a good idea - talking to them is even better. Even a commitment to decent speech is a great way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and gain meaningful visibility for your site. Well, that's what's happening for today's job. If you have your own tips for increasing the traffic to your website, I'd like to hear them.


  1. ahref=””>seo ideas

  2. Nice to read your insightful blogpost. You have said almost every possible ways of increasing traffic to website. I think, these ways will be best practices for beginners and e-commerce businesses.

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    Ghost Mannequin

  3. Great Information! Increasing organic traffic to your blog requires active backlinks and guest posting daily. Other than that, On-page optimization like title and meta tag matters in getting referral traffic. Thanks for the information.


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